Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pop Can

The pop can for me i would i thought that it was the hardest one of all the projects. I feel like i did some what good on it and kinda bad at the same time. The thing that worked about this project was the rugular drawing of the can and what didnt work would have to be the other drawing of the crushed can. If i would do this project again i would focus more on the crushed can instead of the regular can. I would focus more on the big jagged lines that show the crushness of the can. The most difficult would have to be the little thing that opens the can. It was one of the hardest thing to draw. I learned that everything has very important lines that make the picture look real.

Still Drawing

This project i would say was probably the hardest fro me since i didnt really understand how to draw things in the way was asked. I feel like i didnt do so good on this project as i wish i would of done. I just feel that it dont look good. i feel like the only thing that really worked for me would of been the main pot of the picture. The thing that didnt work would of been the umbrella in the backround. If i would have to do this project over again i would consider changing the way i drew the umberella i would of made it look more realistic. The most difficult part would of been the vollyball in the pot in the back of the umbrella. I learned that it takes alot of skill and  patience and alot of eye hand cordaniton to be drawing things in this way.

superhero-cowboy tyler

This piece was a tough one to learn how to draw and to get the shape of his arms and hands. I feel successful about this project because i put my all in it and tried my best to make it look decent. The thing that worked good on this project would be the design on his shirt and pants. and what didnt work where the shape and length of his legs. I would probably have to change his length on the legs and maybe the boots. The difficult thing to complete about this project would of been the legs again. I learned that i had some patience to fix and refix the legs and hands.