Friday, May 11, 2012


This piece i feel that it took forever to complete and that i really didnt know what to do to get more detail to this laptop. I feel like this project was very successfull because i honestly think that in the outcome that it did end up looking like a laptop. The thing that worked for this project would have to be the form of it and the main thing that really didnt work would have to be the colors on it. If i was do this project over again i would do the keys diffrent and make them flow with the laptop. The most difficult part was trying to fit all the keys on the "keyboard". I learned that making simple objects out of paper is a lot of work, even for a group of people.

Skeleton character

This project was one of the most detailed one and I felt like it took me some time to complete this drawing. I feel like i did a great job on this project, I did it on my own pace and i thought that it looked like Homers skeleton. The thing that worked for this project would have to be that the outline worked for me but the thing that really didnt work for me would have to be the ribs and the leg bones. If i was to do this project over again i think i would have to start with the legs and work my way up instead of starting with the head. I learned that drawing a skeleton is major work, its also very diffrent from just drwaing a cartoon character.

animation cell

I think this project was one of the hardest to be able to draw because it had alot of detail. Then I also think it was difficult to complete because it was drawn by a proffesional and I was just trying to make sure it looked exactly the same as the original. I feel like this project was very successful because to me it did look like the original image. I felt like it really looked like Homer Simpson. The thing that did work for me on this project would have to be the outline and his face. The thing that really didnt work for me on this project would have to be his arms and the hands. I felt like that was the most difficult to get it to look the same as the original image. If I would do this project again i would probably change the form of his arms or maybe the position of his arms. I learned that drawing animation is a very detailed and difficult job.

Monday, April 9, 2012

letter form abstraction #2

This piece of art work could of been better but it turned out the way I wanted it and that the way the letters connected together made the piece twice as interesting. I feel that this piece was very successful because it came out the way I imagined it. The thing that worked for me in this project would have to be the way the first painting of the original letters looked organized or in a certain path. But what did not work for me in this project would have to be in the other two painting the letters looked like there was plenty of more space for the letters to grow. If I was to do this project over again the change i would make would have to be the size of the letters in every painting, I would consider making them bigger so they could cover the page. The most difficult part about completing this project was to paint the letters only and not the backround.
This piece made me learn that a few letters put together can be blended to form something else. 

letter form abstraction #1

I thought this project was very easy to draw and to lay it out. This piece was very successful because in my opinion it was the easiest and the simplest. The thing that worked for the project was that I could pick my favorite four letters, but the thing for me thtat didn't work would be the way i placed them on to my backround paper.
If i had to do this project over again, the changes i would make would be the way the pictures are laid out. The most difficult part aobut completing this project was nothing because i feel that this project was simple and easy to accomplish. I learned that even simple letters could be a part of art.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

doodle 2

I thought this project was very exciting because it was my second doodle that made the first one look great as well. I feel very accomplished about this project because it all blended in and looked original.I would say everything worked about this project,everything looked nice and spaced and you can originally see the letters and the designs. If i had to change something about this project i would change some of the designs and the way i fitted my letters in it. I learned that i really like to doodle :)


 I really enjoyed this project because it showed me how you can just draw whatever you want and you can make them blend in without trying to. I feel like i did good on this project since i put my all into it.The things that really worked for this project has to be how i set it up and how it ended up looking like. The thing that didnt work had to be the spirals being white with a black backround. i would probably change the order of the letters. The most difficult on completing this project had to be when i had to color all of the spots black and leave all the other ones white. I learned that a doodle is always going to be a good doodle no matter what it looks like.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

color wheel

     I think i could of done better on this project because i didnt really mix the paints all that good. This piece really didnt make me feel good about my art skills since in this picture you can surely see that i dont have any. :) The only thing that worked in this project would have to be the design i had for it. What did not work has to be the blending of all of the paint. Doesnt really look like they mixed well. I would of considered on blending the paint better and making it look neat. The most difficult was to just letting it sit and to learning to know when the paint was completly dry to finish making the other colors.I learned that certain colors can make alot of diffrent colors.

two point perspective

           I thought this project was a tough one to draw up and that it took a long time to get it to look like the picture. I feel like i did take my time and that i did make it look like the Alma College kind of looks like. The thing that did work for me has to be the middle of the doors and the way the rectangles and squares all blend together. The thing that really didnt work has to be the bars that are on top of the building. I would probably change how thick the bars are on the top. The most difficult part had to be the stairs,getting them all to line up. I learned that some things are very difficult to draw and to put alot of detail in pictures.

one point perspective

This piece was a good one because i honestly didnt know how i was going to end up making it look like a hallway.I feel like a did a good job on it and i love the pizza machine.i think the pizza maching worked and so did the lights on the top. The other thing that didnt work was the doors and the lockers.If i had to do this thing project over again i would probably change the color of the walls and the way the lockers are placed under the " Seniors of 2012". The most difficult thing to finish completing this project would have to be that little chunk of brick wall, because it has so many little bricks and diffrent shades of red and orange to make it look real. I learned that it's not that hard to draw simple things.